Personalised Care and Personal Health Budgets

Personalise  Transform Health and Care

We have over a decade of experience in developing and leading improvements that support organisations to provide tailored targeted support to their patients and service users. This includes the design of Personal Health Budget (PHB) pathways and the embedding of other personalised care behaviours such as shared decision-making and person-centred care.

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Personalised Care Pathway Reviews and Diagnostics

Improvement begins with knowing where you are! Our diagnostics and reviews begin with a friendly deep dive into your organisation’s policies, systems, skills, and culture for delivering care that is patient-centred and personalised. From there, we present the information in an accessible format so you can understand where you are compared to your vision, how you compare to national or statutory requirements, what you are doing well, and what vital next steps to take.

man wearing gray polo shirt beside dry-erase board

Design of Personalised Care and Personal Health Budgets Pathway

We use our expertise in personalised care, as well as our experience in health and care operations and our quality improvement (QI) skills, to collaborate with you in building efficient pathways that are practical to implement and align with your day-to-day activities. With years of experience in designing and testing health and care pathways, we are flexible and can meet your needs. Our pathway designs cover the development of processes, policies, operational documents, and training matrices to help your teams continue to embed the designed pathway.

Two Women Sitting on a Couch Chatting

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) Training

Our PCSP training has been developed to build the skills and confidence of your teams. We have combined a taught session with a block of coaching to ensure that your teams can apply theory into practice and fine-tune their newly learned skills. This strikes the perfect balance and enables them to build appropriate support plans that are person-centred, provide value for money, and deliver measurable, realistic outcomes.

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Professional Supervision for Support Planners

Support Planners are often solely responsible for support planning within their service. To support the increasing number of roles with support planning responsibilities across healthcare and care services, we are offering one-to-one professional supervision sessions. The sessions provide an environment for Support Planners to reflect on their work and challenges, problem-solve, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to build their competence, resilience, and confidence. We recommend four to six sessions per year to support personal and professional growth.

person writing bucket list on book

Independent Review of Care Plans and Care Packages

We can perform reviews of Personal Health Budget (PHB) plans and complex packages to provide an independent view on whether an individual’s care package is appropriate to meet their assessed needs and identified outcomes. Our reviews are completed by professionals with the appropriate clinical experience, understanding of personalised care, and knowledge of service provision.

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you.

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